[UPDATE 12.4.2020] Alternative task for people who are under 18. See the Alternative Task (Under 18) section.
[UPDATE 11.19.2020] More sessions available for people who have not participated! See the Dates and Times section.
This is a recruitment message about an opportunity to earn extra credits in your course. You have to REGISTER beforehand to be able to participate in the study. Read the below sections for details.
This is a REAL-TIME INTERACTIVE online study, which is different from other studies you might have taken for extra credit in other classes. You will be paired with other participants and interact with them. Therefore, BEING ON TIME and FINISHING the study are the requisites for getting extra credit. You will NOT get extra credit if you are late or leave the study in the midway.
You will earn extra credit at 1% of the final course grade for showing up online ON TIME and FINISHING the experiment. You can receive additional extra credit up to 1% of the course grade based on the decisions you and other participants make in the study.
You have to be 18 years old or over to participate. We will ask a question about your age in the study. You should also be an English speaker to participate as all instructions in the study will only be available in English. For people who are under 18 and want to earn extra credit, see the Alternative Task section.
There are three other experiment sessions you can choose from. Each person can participate in ONLY ONE session (even if you received this recruitment message from multiple classes you take), so choose the course you want to earn extra credit for when you register.
The study will take you at most 60 minutes (depending on your and your partners’ pace in the study) to complete.
To be able to participate in the study, register by Sunday, Nov 29th, 11:59 pm. The register link is https://forms.gle/ec6oZYZB6NG7FMrt5. Make sure the info you provide is correct.
Click the link right before the starting time of the session you’ve registered: https://policy-bargaining-game.herokuapp.com/room/sbu_id/. Use your (registered) SBU ID when asked to enter the participant label. You would NOT be able to attend an unregistered session.
After entering your participant label (SBU ID), you will be taken to a waiting page. Please wait for the session to begin patiently. If you accidentally close your browser during the session, click the above link and enter your SBU ID again. You will be brought to the page where you left off.
If you are under 18 and want to earn extra credit, finish the task at https://stonybrookuniversity.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bPJ98FbFUPsF19H by Thursday, 12/10 11:59 pm. You will earn 1% of the final course grade by doing this.
If you have any questions, encounter any web issues during the study, or believe your responses were not recorded, you may contact Yi-Ta Lu at yi-ta.lu@stonybrook.edu.